Team Captain, Roberta with Co-Captain Karen

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Day 8: 5 miles

It's hard to make them out in the brush, but here are three goslings (Manny, Moe and Jack) that I saw tonight:

Good run tonight, despite my painful pinkie toe. Weather was cool; pace was fairly brisk (for me). I probably won't run again before Sunday, since I've spent most all of tonight in ER. Switching to the 3-day walk schedule on Monday.

These little orange blooms exploded on the hills between yesterday and today:

See the Track map here.

Only $2259 to go!


  1. $2259? Where are all you thousands of admirers? Skeezix has to hit the fundraising road!

  2. Yes, Mrs Harris, I know. This has been a rough week, and we haven't selected a PR firm, yet.
